The 25th Annual Frances Tustin Memorial Lectureship Day took place at Tel Aviv University on November 4th, 2022 and through zoom and featured Dr. Bianca Lechevalier-Haim (France), Dr. Suzanne Maiello (Italy), Pam Shein (Australia). Chairs: Joel Miller (Israel), Josien Gussenhoven (Holland), Alina Schellekes (Israel)
- Friday, November 4th, 2022, between 8:30 am - 15:00 (Israel time) at Tel Aviv University and through Zoom
The lectureship day focused on disturbances in early emotional development in which primitive anxieties prevail. The theoretical understanding of these disturbances and their clinical implications for both child and adult therapists/analysts, who work with complex and challenging primitive mental states, were emphasized.
For Details click here.