- On Sunday October 27, 2024, at 20:30 (Jerusalem time) Jeff Eaton presented his lecture .
This lecture explores the relationship between Bion’s ideas of Transformation in K and Transformation in O. I briefly explore the context of Bion’s ideas and emphasize the importance of observation in a K link and how this process can become moments of “welcoming suchness”. I describe the importance of Bion’s idea of evolution in a session and I describe some of my experience of an internal workspace for listening . I share my sense of changes in the analyst’s internal workspace that accompany transformations that occur in the movement from K —> O and from O—> K. A clinical vignette from a child psychotherapy is offered to illustrate how immersion in the details of the session allows a movement from observation <—> intuition and between experience <—>meaning. Other personal vignettes seek to evoke with clarity Bion’s idea of evolution.
Jeffrey Eaton
is a graduate and faculty member of the Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute in Seattle, WA. He is a board certified psychoanalyst and a member of the IPA. He received the Frances Tustin Memorial Lecture Prize in 2006 and is a current board member of the Tustin Trust. This lecture is a chapter in a book project to be titled “An Open Gate: Aspects of Listening”.

Registration will be open till Wednesday, October 23, 2024. There will no registration later than this date. The link to zoom will be sent to registrants on Saturday, October the 26, 2024.
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- On Sunday October 27, 2024, at 20:30 (Jerusalem time) Jeff Eaton presented his lecture .